the institute
Music and education for everyone
O Passo Institute believes in multidisciplinary and multisensory ways of experiencing musical education and music. Our focus is on developing and propagating the O Passo method, created in 1996 by Lucas Ciavatta.
We work with projects in which knowing, understanding and making music are collective experiences, accessible to anyone. We have no borders. The central idea is to circulate, to move. We're in Brazil, in the United States, in France and in Germany. What we do – whether it's classes, workshops, groups, performances, concerts or events – is and will always be out there: in the streets and squares, universities and conservatories, schools, , museums and prisons, NGOs or businesses. O Passo isn't restricted to any of them. It's for everyone, everywhere. Just like music should be.
what we do
O Passo in movement
O Passo Institute holds workshops, educational consulting and projects that promote cultural and social impact, guaranteeing the excellence in using the method.
O Passo Institute is responsible for the only certified training for O Passo method teachers.
The goal is to give those who want to start using O Passo, or teachers who already know and use O Passo, the opportunity to immerse themselves in the method and to exchange knowledge with the Institute's musicians/teachers. The classes focus on mastering the method's concepts, tools and exercises to be used in music classes. more informations >
Our projects carry the O Passo Institute brand through the country and the rest of the world. They are created as independent projects or custom projects for businesses, NGOs and producers who are interested in creating positive social impact through cultural and educational activities with O Passo. We can act creating and managing the entire project or working in predefined phases of the process, building partnerships through grants or incentive laws.
Educational consulting
We act in partnership with regular schools and music schools to create or perfect the music education curriculum, either through guidance or by creating teams. Today we're at Sarah Dawsey, in Rio de Janeiro, and at the Besançon Conservatory in France.
For further information on our projects and to know how the method can be applied to your idea, get in touch.
who makes it
Lucas Ciavatta
Creator of the method and general director
Having graduated as a Music major in Unirio and holding a Master's degree in Education from UFF, he's also director of Bloco d'O Passo, a professor at PUC-Rio, a teacher at Maracatu Brasil and music coordinator at Colégio Sarah Dawsey. For over 20 years he has been developing music and education projects in partnership with various institutions, schools, universities, NGOs, SESCs, government departments etc. Abroad, he has held classes and workshops in France, USA, Germany, Austria, Chile and Uruguay.
Daniela Ferreira Nunes
Associate director BR
With a bachelor's degree in History and a graduate degree in Cultural Management, she is the project manager of O Passo Institute. She also worked at Associação Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré and was technical coordinator for the Subsecretariat for Citizenship and Cultural Diversity of the Rio de Janeiro Cultural Department.
Emiliano Castro
Associate director BR
Guitarist, composer and music teacher. He holds degrees in Social Sciences from USP and in Flamenco Guitar from Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu de Barcelona. As a musician, he was recorded in over forty albums as instrumentalist, composer, arranger or producer, and he has performed in various countries in Latin America, Europe and Africa.
Jérôme Viollet
Associate director FR
Drummer, percussionist, after a classical percussion course, specialized in Caribbean and South American music after many stays, including Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela and New York. Her musical and educational background has always been linked to singing and dancing. He directs, among others, projects around Yoruba songs: "IBO IBO" and "GERONIMO". In addition to his activities at Instituto d'O Passo, he teaches at IMFP, at JAM and regularly takes courses throughout France.
Thomas Nicol
Associate director FR
Classical and baroque cellist, he is "intermitent du spectacle" and collaborates in several musical projects with varied aesthetics. At the same time he studied mathematics and philosophy. He is professor of O Passo at the Besançon Conservatory, especially for undergraduates as part of their music training courses. He is regularly invited to introduce O Passo to other teachers from different institutions and is an instructor of the National Center for Territorial Public Service (CNFPT).
Andrea Botelho
Pianist, conductor and coordinator of the Brazilian music programme at Musikschule City West. [Berlin/GERMANY]
Cadu Torres
Teacher, guitarist and member of Bloco do Sargento Pimenta. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Celso Alvim
Percussionist and director of percussion group Monobloco, as well as teacher. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Cristiane Costa
Guitarist and music teacher in schools. [São Luís/BRAZIL]
Daniel Reginato
Singer and teacher at Escola do Auditório Ibirapuera. [São Paulo/BRAZIL]
Dona Borel
Violonist and violonist teacher at the Besançon Regional Conservatory. [Besançon/FRANCE]
Eva Riot
Clarinettist and musical training teacher at the Héricourt Conservatory. [Héricourt/FRANCE]
Felipe Reznik
Percussionist with a Music degree from Unirio, music teacher at Colégio Eliezer Max. He's one of the founders, musical director, workshop coordinator and "mestre de bateria" of Bloco do Sargento Pimenta. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Gabriel Aguiar
Guitarist and music teacher at Colégio Santo Inácio and Centro Educacional Anísio Teixeira – CEAT, as well as O Passo certified teacher. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Isabela Ciavatta
Percussionist and singer, she is part of the groups Bloco d'O Passo and Samba Que Ela Querem. Teacher at Projeto O Passo in Petrópolis and director of the Women's Percussion Workshop. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Jadson Dias
Perception teacher at Orquestra Criança Cidadã. [Recife/BRAZIL]
Léa Gilet
Music teacher in schools and conservatories. Flautist, having also studied singing and fado in universities in France and Portugal. [Besançon/FRANCE]
Lila Santos
Researcher and singing and keyboard teacher at music schools and at elementary schools. [Petrolina/BRAZIL]
Mateus Xavier
Percussionist, musician/teacher at Instituto O Passo. He's an assistant director at Bloco d'O Passo, director of Bloco Sargento Pimenta and founder and director of Bloco Pipoca e Guaraná. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Matheus Fonseca
Percussionist and teacher at the Sarah Dawsey School. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Marcelo Sant'Anna
Drummer, guitarist and teacher at Colégio Sagrado Coração and Escola da Pequena Cruzada. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Marina Chuva
Percussionist and teacher at Bloco do Sargento Pimenta's and Bloco Pipoca e Guaraná's workshops. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Myriam Rignol
Musician specialized in ancient music, she plays viol and is part of Les Timbres and Les Arts Florissants. She teaches at the Besançon Conservatory. [Besançon/FRANCE]
Samantha Eyssette
Singer, inspired by the work of Marie Louise Aucher in psychophonie, she animates workshops of polyphonic songs towards various public: adults as children.
She also performs on stage as an actress and studies music therapy. [Montpellier/FRANCE]
Taiana Machado
Singer and vocal trainer using the Ângela Herz method. She has worked with Bloco d’O Passo, Gigantes da Lira, Intrépida Trupe and SobreSalto. She's a music teacher at Eliezer Max and Centro Educacional Anísio Teixeira. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]
Zé Motta
Percussionist, member of Bloco d'O Passo, capoeirista and teacher at Bloco do Sargento Pimenta. [Rio de Janeiro/BRAZIL]